Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I had the most fantastic day today. On Wednesdays, the nurse that I work for has students with her, so usually I go somewhere else. Usually I go with the dentist to a school or something similar. Today, I went with a nutritionist that works at a center as well as a medical doctor (who is training to be a psychiatrist and speaks English really well!!!) up to a "kindergarden" a few blocks up the hill. The kindergarden is children from the age of 2 to 5 years old. It is more like a day care, but it is all government funded so parents are able to work, which I think is a great idea. Anyways, we were supposed to go on what we called a "nutrition walk" and teach the children about proper nutrition. When we got there, there was like 6 children that we played with for while. Then all of a sudden this motorcycle with like cabin in the back with three wheels pulled up and a teacher and like 8 more kids climbed out of it. It looked like a clown car, quite amusing actually. Then another one dropped off six other children and a teacher. The 20 children, the teachers, the doctor, the nutritionist and me painted small posters with fruit and chicken and fish on with lovely sayings on them. We then took a walk down the hill from the kindergarden down to the center while the children sang a cute song about healthy food. It was adorable, I had quite a good time. The kids were so proud of their song and a lot of them just wanted to be held so it was a lot of fun.
After my little nutrition parade, I was sitting and talking to my friend and I saw this lady come out of the ob/gyn room in clear active labor, I sort of just followed them into the labor room, and asked in broken Spanish if it was okay if I watched. She said it was fine. I got to watch in the room as this lady was in labor for an hour. I thought that I was not going to have enough time to see it, but all of a sudden the baby´s head popped out. With one last push, the baby was out. The whole thing was just an amazing experience. I have seen C-sections in the states, but never a natural birth. It was so beautiful, I actually had a couple tears. The baby was a boy, his APGAR score was 8 then 10 and he weighed 8.2 lbs!! So cute. They put him on the table and told me to clean him up, so I got to do that as well as dress him after. I then brought him over to his mother, who was getting sewn up after an episiotomy, definatly a bummer for her. I helped her help the baby latch on so she could breast feed him. It was really cool to be a part of the whole experience. I hope to do it again soon. Also, the doctor who spoke English with me promised me he would teach me how to do sutures!! Awesome.. will keep you all posted

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